Thursday, September 5, 2013

Excerpt from Watchmen

Been meaning to post this entry, but I was afraid to appear a hopeless romantic. 
But what the heck! I thought I should post something warm for a change.

Never thought I would love this movie so much that I even took the effort of looking for its movie script online.

...and out of the dark and cynical plot, comes this utmost sincere and heartfelt scene:

Jon took Laurie to Mars and asked her to stop him from banishing humanity. Somewhere in between, this conversation happened.

LAURIE:My life is just... big joke.

JON:I don't think your life is a joke.

LAURIE:Yeah, well...

...I'm sorry if I don't trust your sense of humor.

JON:Will you smile...

...if I admit I was wrong?

LAURIE:About what?


Events with astronomical odds of occurring... oxygen turning into gold.

I've longed to witness such an event,and yet I neglect...

...that in human coupling...

...millions upon millions of cells compete to create life...

...for generation after generation...

...until finally, your mother...

...Ioves a man...

...Edward Blake, the Comedian,a man she has every reason to hate...

...and out of that contradiction,against unfathomable odds...'s you...


- that emerged.

To distill so specific a form...

...from all that chaos... like turning air into gold.

A miracle.