Monday, December 5, 2011

The Comedian

watchmen-poster-comedianUpon our encounters with fictions, we often see characters whom remind us of certain people; might that be ourselves, a neighbor, or that person whom you see you ride the train with every morning. It’s always interesting to understand real people from fictional contexts.
Hence, this has inspired me to start a blog series featuring fictional characters that remind us about real actual people.
For my debut post, I’m featuring this mustached amigo.
Name: Edward Blake, “The Comedian”
Movie: Watchmen
Blake understood.
Humans are savage in nature.
No matter how much you try
to dress it up... disguise it...
...Blake saw society's true face.
Chose to be a parody of it. A joke.
I heard a joke once.
Man goes to doctor, says he's depressed.
Life seems harsh and cruel.
Says he feels all alone
in threatening world.
Doctor says treatment is simple.
‘The great clown Pagliacci is in town.
Go see him.
That should pick you up.’
Man bursts into tears.
‘But doctor,’ he says. ‘I am Pagliacci.’
Good joke.
Everybody laugh.
Roll on snare drum.
- Rorschach (Watchmen)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I Am Back!


It’s been a while since I last put something here. I blamed work, since I rarely have time to turn on the computer when I get home. I’d rather spend the remaining hours of the day goofing off and annoying my brother.

But then I realized that it’s such a lousy excuse since I always find time at work staring at an inactive computer screen and making paper cranes that always turn out into something else.

Anyway, if you’re wondering what I’ve been up to (I bet you don’t) these past months I’ve been absent (I’m pretending that someone actually cares and loyally follows what I’ve been posting here). I’ve been at work. (Duh?) And this has inspired me to do this post.

Things I would rather do:

1. Sleep
(After graduation, I’ve been indulging myself with 10 hours of sleep everyday.
And now I feel so deprived.)

2. Go to the dentist
(I’m supposed to get my braces off-three months ago. )

3. Visit my Cousins
(I miss doing irrelevant stuff with them.)

4. Doodle

5. Have a Movie Marathon

6. Learn how to cook
(I don’t think I’m hopeless)

7. Learn how to drive

8. Shop


I feel so awesome being able to post something at blogger without getting caught.

I’m not sure if this make sense, I think I’m gonna edit this when I get home. Or not. I’m lazy.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thank You Google Maps!

Not only do they have maps for any place around the world, they give very awesomely practical directions as well!

Directions from China to Taiwan:

google maps

Friday, June 24, 2011

On Falcon, Ondoy, etc.


photo courtesy by
Hello rain! Come. Pour. I spread my arms in welcome.
I want to feel you fall, pressed, on my skin. Let me saturate, until I am cleaned.
Geez. It’s raining hard. Floods are everywhere. People will have a hard time sleeping later.
As for us… Because we have a paranoid mother, we've just evacuated from our home in San Mateo and moved to our shop in East Ave.. We’ll be spending the night here until the rain subsides. I don’t think it’ll flood in our area though. But since the aftermath of Ondoy was nothing we’ve expected, I didn’t oppose mommy anymore. Well, better take precautions than to regret it later! And besides, we can’t neglect mother’s instincts.
I was at school when Ondoy happened. I was informed of what’s happening outside, but didn’t take it seriously. The news passed in and out of my ears like any regular gossip. So in the midst of all the floods, panic, and traffic, I managed to goof around, without knowing the degree of seriousness of all the chaos. Little did I know that it will cause my family a near death trauma and a short period of deprivation. But hey! On the Brightside, at least I got to live my dream of being a nomad for a while. (Yes, that’s my dream. For reasons you will only understand if you know me well) We will never forget that experience.
Hope everyone’s okay! Stay safe friends!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Grace Kelly


I love her. She radiates grace and beauty indeed as royalty.

Friday, May 6, 2011

IF: Lesson

Books are for learning– to walk in high heels.
This should be my first entry in Illustration Friday, but I didn’t meet the deadline. Disappointed smile  I didn't want to waste the picture so it's still posted here.
Tomorrow will be my first day in Wilma Cruz Tapalla Institute of Speech, Etiquette & Image. I’m excited but a bit nervous-because I’m always nervous. Frank as I am in this blog, I’m as awkward as a cow on roller skates in person. Hopefully by the end of the whole thing, I’ll be like Miss Poise.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


A kapre is a giant Filipino mythical creature that lives on a tree. Kapres are considered demons, but they are genuinely known for their harmless nature (at least that’s what I’ve heard). They are often characterized as hippie bearded male smokers; they are famous for being giant cigar smoking bum men. Have never really heard stories about kapres of the opposite sex. Thus, I drew this.
My very own adaptation of a female kapre.

A close up of her face.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

To Bake a Cake, You’ll Need Flower

Sorry, this is not about baking cakes. Just wanted to post this picture.

This was when I was eating my heart out at Red Ribbon. My stomach had enough that I wasn’t able to stuff my last 2 bites of chocolate cake down to it anymore.


I was bored and I didn’t  want to let the food go to waste. So I grabbed my fork and doodled this on it. Smile

…Get it?? Cake, flower? as in flour?

ok, never mind.

Monday, February 21, 2011

What’s Bizarre?

Don’t you love old movies? Those movies thatthe-breakfast-club-thumb-400x493 seem so primal, yet you find yourself relating to it. You see the exact same kind of characters, issues, and situations we people deal with then and now. Proving history do repeat itself.

Lately, I’ve been hooked up to this movie, The Breakfast Club, to the point that I probably have watched it for the 10th time already.

And I’d probably watch it again and again ‘til I memorize every line, scene, and entrance of each character. Yeah, that’s how I’m in love with it. Haha!

Here’s one of my favorite scenes.

the breakfast club scene

The Sitch : They are 5 very different people, all strangers with each other, stuck in their school's library on a Saturday for detention.
ANDREW: You're just pissed off because she got you to admit something you didn't want to admit to... 

CLAIRE: Okay, fine, but that doesn't make it any less bizarre... 

ANDREW: What's bizarre? I mean we're all pretty bizarre! Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


for Gigi Lorico

She loves how your hair coils
and sticks to the skin
of your sweaty nape,
forming intricate patterns
of rings and waves.

Your skin, pale and soft,
Reminding her of the clouds you watch
drifting across the skies,
like how dreams move to and fro your mind.

Dreams not only of gold and mansions
And other worldly possessions,
But of greener pastures, clear streams;
A peaceful scene.

Dreams; things you were once hopeful for,
But wistfully passed along to her
All through the toil
Of sapping pellets of sweat

from your skin,
on your nape,
below your scruffy bun,
now visible to her eyes.


I witness lightning forking like an erratic dance
while the rain pours the hardest in August.
The grasslands turn crisp, brown as the season
reverts its hottest on a May day.

I like to feel the fresh mist of dawn on my just woken face,
watch the clouds crawl
across the sky, being blinded for a moment by the round sun,
and count until the moon soars up, leading a march of stars.

We may not see it,
but the cells on our skins are constantly wrinkling.
At times the clock gets broken and stops ticking,
But time will not relent.

Like a girl entering her first period,
or a middle aged woman going through meno-
there’s always the arrival of August.

The Archeologist

She examined the traces of a leaf
fossilized on the solid asphalt soil.
As she touched the embossed print,
she theorized what grows before
the tall industrialized rectangular trees.

With the sun assisting
She scanned her surroundings.
She then wondered what swarms before
those vigorous aluminum vehicles
lining on the road like huge versions of ants.

In this forest of metals and steels
her hunting begins
of the infamous myth-
The Garden of Eden.

She searched with science,
measured with mathematics,
to rediscover the lost paradise,
or at least formulate hypothesis
to her queries.

But as the truthful sunlight reveals,
 all she found
were relics and dust
of the once prestigious refuge,
floating in the atmosphere.


Colored & Charcoal Pencils on Paper


High Lighters and Ballpoint on Paper

I'm sorry about the bad quality, I'm using my cam phone.