Wednesday, January 26, 2011


for Gigi Lorico

She loves how your hair coils
and sticks to the skin
of your sweaty nape,
forming intricate patterns
of rings and waves.

Your skin, pale and soft,
Reminding her of the clouds you watch
drifting across the skies,
like how dreams move to and fro your mind.

Dreams not only of gold and mansions
And other worldly possessions,
But of greener pastures, clear streams;
A peaceful scene.

Dreams; things you were once hopeful for,
But wistfully passed along to her
All through the toil
Of sapping pellets of sweat

from your skin,
on your nape,
below your scruffy bun,
now visible to her eyes.


I witness lightning forking like an erratic dance
while the rain pours the hardest in August.
The grasslands turn crisp, brown as the season
reverts its hottest on a May day.

I like to feel the fresh mist of dawn on my just woken face,
watch the clouds crawl
across the sky, being blinded for a moment by the round sun,
and count until the moon soars up, leading a march of stars.

We may not see it,
but the cells on our skins are constantly wrinkling.
At times the clock gets broken and stops ticking,
But time will not relent.

Like a girl entering her first period,
or a middle aged woman going through meno-
there’s always the arrival of August.

The Archeologist

She examined the traces of a leaf
fossilized on the solid asphalt soil.
As she touched the embossed print,
she theorized what grows before
the tall industrialized rectangular trees.

With the sun assisting
She scanned her surroundings.
She then wondered what swarms before
those vigorous aluminum vehicles
lining on the road like huge versions of ants.

In this forest of metals and steels
her hunting begins
of the infamous myth-
The Garden of Eden.

She searched with science,
measured with mathematics,
to rediscover the lost paradise,
or at least formulate hypothesis
to her queries.

But as the truthful sunlight reveals,
 all she found
were relics and dust
of the once prestigious refuge,
floating in the atmosphere.


Colored & Charcoal Pencils on Paper


High Lighters and Ballpoint on Paper

I'm sorry about the bad quality, I'm using my cam phone.